Largo App is a suite of operation productivity system that will help simplify floor operation in warehouses and productions.

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How long to implement a WMS System?

[vc_row row_scroll_icon="no"][vc_column][vc_empty_space height="24px"][vc_column_text]Implementing warehouse management system requires several steps to ensure its success. It's not just the system as the system usually is ready to be deployed within days. The other requirement however, requires more time to prepare. Let's break it down. Gap Development The first step of WMS implementation is to get a gap analysis between LARGO and your existing business process. We need to make sure everything is covered and ensure the flow from start to finish. This process usually involves warehouse team, finance, IT, ERP consultant and management. This step usually take around 2 - 8 weeks to complete. Hardware Purchase We also need several hardware to support WMS project such as Server, Wireless Network, Mobile Computers and Barcode Printers. Some of these thing requires 8 - 10 weeks to purchase and install, so please be prepare to factor in these into your timeline. Integration, Data Migration and Data Sanitation IF you need to connect WMS with your ERP or eCommerce system, then we will need to have an integration work together with your ERP consultant. This job including Blue Print / design, development, testing and go live. We also need to migrate some data from your existing system, such as master files, tables, etc. Sometimes, existing data also requires a sanitation process to remove unwanted/unused data. This process can take up to 4 - 8 weeks as well. Warehouse Preparation Items in the warehouse needs to be re-labeled and re-registered to the new system. Each bin location also must be labeled. Depending on the number of stock in the warehouse, this process can take up to 4 - 8 weeks as well. Training Once everything is ready, we need to train every stakeholders in the company which can take up to 1 week for both classroom training and field training. After the training, we take the system to Go Live! So the conclusion, to implement LARGO Warehouse Management System, we needs around 2 - 4 months to complete. Contact our team to discuss more on the timeline and what are the thing you need to prepare before implementing WMS.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]...